SHARE_TREE(5) File Formats Manual SHARE_TREE(5) NAME share_tree - Univa Grid Engine share tree file format DESCRIPTION The share tree defines the long-term resource entitlements of users/projects and of a hierarchy of arbitrary groups thereof. The current share tree can be displayed via the qconf(1) -sstree option. The output follows the share_tree format description. A share tree can be created and an existing one can be modified via the -astree and -mstree options to qconf(1). The -sst option shows a formatted share tree (tree view). Individual share tree nodes can be created, modified, deleted, or shown via the -astnode, -dstnode, -mstnode, and -sstnode options to qconf(1). Note, Univa Grid Engine allows backslashes (\) be used to escape new- line (\newline) characters. The backslash and the newline are replaced with a space (" ") character before any interpretation. A tree is constructed from a root node, internal nodes and leaf nodes. The simplest useful tree consists of the root node and two leaf nodes. Internal nodes can be used to group leaf nodes. These internal nodes can either be abstract nodes with no relation to any Univa Grid Engine object, or nodes of type project, which relate to a defined Univa Grid Engine project (see project(5)). user(5)) or type project. See also the explanations in FORMAT and the EXAMPLES below. FORMAT The format of a share tree file is defined as follows: o A new node starts with the attribute id, and equal sign and the numeric identification number of the node. Further attributes of that node follow until another id-keyword is encountered. o The attribute type defines, if a sharetree node references a user (type=0), or a project (type=1) o The attribute childnodes contains a comma separated list of child nodes to this node. o The parameter name refers to an arbitrary name for the node or to a corresponding user (see user(5)) or project (see project(5)) if the node is a leaf node of the share tree. The name for the root node of the tree is "Root" by convention. o The parameter shares defines the share of the node among the nodes with the same parent node. o A user leaf node named 'default' can be defined as a descendant of a project(5)) node in the share tree. The default node defines the number of shares for users who are running in the project, but who do not have a user node defined under the project. The default user node is a convenient way of specifying a single node for all users which should receive an equal share of the project resources. The default node may be specified by itself or with other user(5)) nodes at the same level below a project. All users, whether explicitly specified as a user node or those which map to the 'default' user node must have a corresponding user(5)) object defined in order to get shares. Do not configure a user(5)) object named 'default'. EXAMPLES Jobs of projects P1 and P2 get 50 shares, all other jobs get 10 shares. id=0 name=Root type=0 shares=1 childnodes=1,2,3 id=1 name=P1 type=1 shares=50 childnodes=NONE id=2 name=P2 type=1 shares=50 childnodes=NONE id=3 name=default type=0 shares=10 childnodes=NONE SEE ALSO sge_intro(1), qconf(1), project(5), user(5). COPYRIGHT See sge_intro(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions. Univa Grid Engine File Formats UGE 8.5.4 SHARE_TREE(5)