USER(5) File Formats Manual USER(5) NAME user - Univa Grid Engine user entry file format DESCRIPTION A user entry is used to store ticket and usage information on a per user basis. Maintaining user entries for all users participating in a Univa Grid Engine system is required if Univa Grid Engine is operated under a user share tree policy. If the enforce_user cluster configuration parameter is set to auto, a user object for the submitting user will be created automatically dur- ing job submission, if one does not already exist. The auto_user_oticket, auto_user_fshare, auto_user_default_project, and auto_user_delete_time cluster configuration parameters will be used as default attributes of the new user object. A list of currently configured user entries can be displayed via the qconf(1) -suserl option. The contents of each enlisted user entry can be shown via the -suser switch. The output follows the user format description. New user entries can be created and existing can be modi- fied via the -auser, -muser and -duser options to qconf(1). Note, Univa Grid Engine allows backslashes (\) be used to escape new- line (\newline) characters. The backslash and the newline are replaced with a space (" ") character before any interpretation. FORMAT A user entry contains four parameters: name The user name as defined for user_name in sge_types(1). oticket The amount of override tickets currently assigned to the user. fshare The current functional share of the user. default_project The default project of the user. delete_time Note: Deprecated, may be removed in future release. The wall-clock time when this user will be deleted, expressed as the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970. If set to zero, the affected user is a permanent user. If set to one, the user currently has active jobs. For additional information about automatically cre- ated users, see the enforce_user and auto_user_delete_time parameters in sge_conf(5). SEE ALSO sge_intro(1), sge_types(1), qconf(1). sge_conf(5). COPYRIGHT See sge_intro(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions. Univa Grid Engine File Formats UGE 8.5.4 USER(5)