Supernova is a software package genome assembly from Chromium Linked-Reads that are made from a single whole-genome library from an individual DNA source.
Supernova is available as a module on Apocrita.
To run the default installed version of Supernova, simply load the
$ module load supernova
$ supernova --help
supernova mkfastq
supernova run
supernova mkoutput
supernova testrun
For more information regarding each analysis pipeline, pass the --help
switch after the pipeline sub-command (i.e. supernova run --help
Example job¶
Serial job¶
Here is an example job running on 4 cores and 16GB of memory:
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe smp 4
#$ -l h_rt=1:0:0
#$ -l h_vmem=4G
module load supernova
supernova run --id 1234 \
--fastqs raw_data.fastq \
--sample 1234 \
--disable-ui \
--localcores ${NSLOTS} \
--localmem 16