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Mathematica is a computational suite used for science, engineering, and mathematics and provides an array of technical functionality computing.

Mathematica is available as a module on Apocrita.


To run the default installed version of Mathematica, simply load the mathematica module:

module load mathematica

then run the math command:

# Interactive

# Batch
math -script example.m

First use of package download

The first time a command is run from a package there may be additional downloads required to use the package. If this is the case, Mathematica will automatically download the required resources whilst displaying the following message: Loading from Wolfram Research server ...

Core usage

To ensure that Mathematica uses the correct number of cores, the following should be put at the top of your input file:

(* Get slot count and convert from string *)
$ProcessorCount = ToExpression[Environment["NSLOTS"]];
$ProcessorCount = $ProcessorCount - 1; (* Minus 1 for master process *)

Print["Processors: ", $ProcessorCount];

SetSystemOptions["ParallelOptions" -> "ParallelThreadNumber" -> $ProcessorCount];
SetSystemOptions["ParallelOptions" -> "MKLThreadNumber" -> $ProcessorCount];


Example jobs

Serial job

Here is an example job running on 4 cores:

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe smp 4
#$ -l h_rt=1:0:0
#$ -l h_vmem=1G

module load mathematica
math -script example.m

And the file example.m:

(* Get slot count and convert from string *)
$ProcessorCount = ToExpression[Environment["NSLOTS"]];
$ProcessorCount = $ProcessorCount - 1; (* Minus 1 for master process *)

Print["Processors: ", $ProcessorCount];

SetSystemOptions["ParallelOptions" -> "ParallelThreadNumber" -> $ProcessorCount];
SetSystemOptions["ParallelOptions" -> "MKLThreadNumber" -> $ProcessorCount];


Print["Kernels: ", $KernelCount];

(* Generate table of primes *)
primeT = ParallelTable[Prime[i], {i, 10000000}];
Print["Size of Prime Table: ", ByteCount[primeT], " Bytes"];

(* Generate random matrix *)
randM = RandomReal[1, {4000, 4000}];
Print["Size of Random Matrix: ", ByteCount[randM], " Bytes"];

(* Multiply Matrix *)
Print["Multiplication Time: ", AbsoluteTiming[randM.randM;]];

GPU job

Here is an example job running on 8 cores and 1 GPU.

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe smp 12
#$ -l h_rt=240:0:0
#$ -l h_vmem=7.5G
#$ -l gpu=1

export CUDA_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64/nvidia/
module load mathematica

math -script gpu_example.m

And the file gpu_example.m:

(* Get slot count and convert from string *)
$ProcessorCount = ToExpression[Environment["NSLOTS"]];
$ProcessorCount = $ProcessorCount - 1; (* Minus 1 for master process *)

Print["Processors: ", $ProcessorCount];

SetSystemOptions["ParallelOptions" -> "ParallelThreadNumber" -> $ProcessorCount];
SetSystemOptions["ParallelOptions" -> "MKLThreadNumber" -> $ProcessorCount];


Print["Kernels: ", $KernelCount];


(* Generate random matrix *)
randM = RandomReal[1, {5000, 5000}];
Print["Size of Random Matrix: ", ByteCount[randM], " Bytes"];

(* Multiply Matrix (CPU) *)
Print["Multiplication Time: ", AbsoluteTiming[randM.randM;]];

(* Multiply Matrix (GPU) *)
Print["GPU Multiplication Time: ", AbsoluteTiming[CUDADot[randM, randM];]]

(* Load Matrix into GPU memory *)
randMG = CUDAMemoryLoad[randM]

(* Multiply Matrix (GPU in memory) *)
Print["GPU Multiplication Time (mem): ", AbsoluteTiming[CUDADot[randM, randM];]]
