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Using Jupyter via OnDemand

Jupyter is an interactive web-based environment for creating and using Jupyter notebooks, documents containing live code and visualisations. While many languages are supported by Jupyter, Python notebooks are very commonly used. Please refer to the overview section for instructions on how to login to OnDemand.

Starting a Jupyter session

We offer separate apps for JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook.

If your code does not specifically use GPU acceleration and/or you do not have access to GPU-enabled nodes, then choose "CPU" from the Job type dropdown box.

Jupyter request

The form is dynamic and will adjust depending on the job type selected.

For CPU jobs, you can choose the number of cores and quantity of RAM required.

Request 1 core for most Jupyter CPU jobs

Many Jupyter notebooks will only use 1 core, therefore any additional cores requested will be allocated but not utilised.

For GPU jobs, you can only request a single GPU and the core and RAM request is automatically set for you.

Choosing a 1 hour maximum running time is the best option for getting a session quickly, unless you have access to owned nodes which may also provide sessions immediately for up to 240hrs for CPU jobs or 24hrs for GPU jobs if resources are available.

Once clicking Launch, the request will be queued, and when resources have been allocated, you will be presented with the option to open the session.

Jupyter launch

Here you can see the compute host that the session has been scheduled on, and time remaining for the session.

Clicking the blue Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab button will open the familiar Jupyter session window, from which you can open notebooks.

Jupyter default session

And in action:

Jupyter pandas

Using environments

Anaconda and Miniconda are no longer available on Apocrita due to licensing issues and have been replaced by Miniforge.

Don't use a Python virtualenv for Jupyter

Using a Python virtualenv alongside Jupyter is not recommended, as there can sometimes be dependency clashes. Please use a Conda environment combined with one of the methods below for using it with Jupyter.

The default installation of Miniforge, which we are using, provides a small number of Python packages as standard. However, if you need you use modules outside of the default list provided by Miniforge, you will need to use one of the two approaches below.

Pick one approach

Personal Conda environments are newer and a lot more versatile, but it is much easier to totally break Jupyter when using them. Less experienced users may wish to stick to the older IPython kernel approach initially. And don't mix the two - i.e. don't use an IPython kernel combined with a personal Conda env, but stick to one or the other.

Personal Conda environments

Don't break Jupyter

Whilst using a personal Conda environment offers more versatility compared to the older IPython Kernel method below, be careful not to break your personal installation of Jupyter, especially when using extensions.

When launching a new JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook session on OnDemand, you will notice a checkbox called "Use a personal Conda env rather than a module to provide Jupyter Notebook/Lab". When you check this box, the form will change and look something like this:

Jupyter personal Conda env

This allows you to directly use a personal Conda environment containing any additional Python/Conda packages you might have installed, which you should do in an interactive qlogin session prior to launching Jupyter.

You must install JupyterLab and/or Jupyter Notebook yourself

When using a personal Conda environment, you must install JupyterLab and/or Jupyter Notebook yourself into the activated environment:

mamba install -c conda-forge jupyterlab -y
mamba install -c conda-forge notebook -y

Using a personal Conda environment allows the use of some, but not all, Jupyter Extensions like GPU utilisation dashboards etc.

Dask is not supported

Even when using a personal Conda environment, complex Jupyter extensions such as Dask will not work due to security limitations and protocols on Apocrita.

Once in your Jupyter session, be sure to use the default kernel ("Python 3 (ipykernel)") at all times:

Jupyter personal Conda env kernel

You can check which Conda environment is in use, and a list of packages installed into it, using the mamba list command in a cell, e.g.:

Jupyter personal Conda env packages

IPython kernel

If you prefer the older more familiar IPython kernel approach, then un-check the "Use a personal Conda env rather than a module to provide Jupyter Notebook/Lab" box. When you un-check this box, the form will change and look something like this:

Jupyter Ipykernel

In this case, Jupyter will be provided as a fixed version installed by ITSR and loaded automatically. You will be unable to install any additional extensions or otherwise modify this installation of Jupyter at all.

We will demonstrate the use of IPython kernel by attempting to use the emoji module to display emojis. A default Conda environment does not contain this package.

Listing installed packages

You can inspect the list of packages provided by the default Miniforge installation from within a terminal session on Apocrita by loading the Miniforge module: module load miniforge followed by the mamba list command.

In a Jupyter notebook, attempting to load the emoji module will fail.

Jupyter import

We will need to create a new Conda environment containing our desired packages. Installing the emoji package into an activated environment will allow us to use it on the command line interface, but to also make it visible to Jupyter we need the ipykernel package, and a command to activate it.

We can perform this on Apocrita as follows:

module load miniforge

# use -y to accept the y/n question, -q to reduce verbosity
mamba create -n emoji_env -y -q
mamba activate emoji_env

# add the desired packages to the env
# we need to specify the conda-forge channel to install the emoji package
mamba install -c conda-forge emoji ipykernel -y -q

# make the env visible to Jupyter
python -m ipykernel install --user --name emoji_env

# deactivate your env
mamba deactivate

Note that the ipykernel package and subsequent command are only required to make the environment visible to Jupyter.

If you already have an existing Conda environment myenv but you wish to make it visible to Jupyter, simply activate your environment:

mamba activate myenv

and run:

mamba install ipykernel -y -q
python -m ipykernel install --user --name myenv

Now if you open a new Jupyter session from OnDemand with the "Use a personal Conda env rather than a module to provide Jupyter Notebook/Lab" box un-checked, you will notice that the new environment is available under the Kernel -> Change Kernel menu, with the name we provided with the --name option. Similarly, it will be available as an option under the File -> New notebook menu in addition to the default Miniforge Python 3 environment.

Jupyter switching environment

Now if you open a new notebook, you can now use the emoji_env we created. Note that the currently active environment is displayed in the top right corner.

Jupyter correct environment

Using this method, if you have notebooks requiring packages in addition to the defaults, you can now maintain different environments to support use of those notebooks.

Using R packages

Installing R packages

If you wish to use R packages within Jupyter, please install them into a personal Conda environment as detailed in this blog post:

Installing the R kernel

do not use install.packages inside an R kernel

Due to the way the R kernel works within Conda, attempting to use the install.packages method inside an R kernel will install R packages outside of the Conda environment, which may cause unforeseen conflicts when running the native R application, via a module.

To install the R kernel, run the following commands as a one-off setup:

When using a personal Conda environment for Jupyter

Install JupyterLab or Jupyter Notebook first

You must install JupyterLab and/or Jupyter Notebook into the environment before installing the R kernel.

qlogin -l h_vmem=10G
module load miniforge
mamba create -n R -y -q
mamba activate R
mamba install -c conda-forge jupyterlab notebook -y
mamba install -c conda-forge r-recommended r-irkernel -y
R -e 'IRkernel::installspec()'

When using Ipython kernel

Match your Jupyter module version

Change <version> below to match the Jupyter Lab/Notebook version you select in the OnDemand session form.

qlogin -l h_vmem=10G
module load /share/apps/rocky9/environmentmodules/apocrita-modules/ondemand/jupyter/<version>
mamba create -n R -y -q
mamba activate R
mamba install -c conda-forge r-recommended r-irkernel -y
R -e 'IRkernel::installspec()'

The R kernel will now be available as an option within Jupyter Notebook when starting a new notebook, or under the Kernel -> Change kernel menu:

Jupyter with R kernel

To uninstall the R kernel, simply run mamba env remove -n R (or delete the environment install directory) and also delete the kernel specification directory with rm -r ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/ir/.